Superior, strategic thinking

Superior, strategic thinking

Is there difference between strategic thinking and strategic planning? There is an ongoing academic debate regarding the difference between these two concepts. Many theories have been developed, ranging from ‘the one is the flip side of the other’, to a model aiming...
Economic freedom, realising self

Economic freedom, realising self

We are all born as highly innovative beings who love to explore, invent and create. We are also provided with numerous problems, screaming for innovative and creative solutions. All we need is the freedom to apply our talents in solving these problems. We therefore...
How to overcome poverty

How to overcome poverty

The shackles of poverty can only be broken from inside. An outside force can unfortunately not do the job, the power must come from the creative minds of the people in an economy or sub-economy. Outside forces can however play an important role in helping to unleash...
Why you need financial skills

Why you need financial skills

Bad financial management was singled out in many investigations as the biggest contributor towards entrepreneurial project failures. Proper financial management is therefore a core competency needed in all entrepreneurial activity and specifically in successful...